One Lovely Blog Award

First of all, thank you very, very, very much to the Lunatic for nominating me. It means a lot to me, especially coming from you, as I adore your blog! Please guys, go and have a look it is absolutely brilliant!

Now for the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself.
4. Pass the award on to 15 nominees.
5. Include this set of rules.
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs


7 things about me:

1. I have the lowest comedy threshold in the known universe.

2. I like board games. Which I would never admit to anyone in real life.

3. I can touch my toes while keeping my legs straight.

4. At a party, if I have had a few drinks and there is a dance floor, I will turn into this person you are very embarrassed to know.

5. I sing along badly to the radio when alone in my car.

6. I cannot stand Cadbury’s chocolate. There, I have said it.

7. I have never been to a music festival. Nor do I intend to.

And my nominees are…

1. Tony Marquis’s Blog: Tony has opinions on a lot of things (from fashion to plagiarism), and some lovely recipes as well. I love this blog because you just never know what the next topic will be.

2. Lattes and Leggings: Oh, the food. And the photos. And the food. And the photos. I could read this blog all day!

 3. Do Not Get Sick in the Sink, Please: Very funny blog about news and sex. ’nuff said.

4. The Living Notebook: Great insights into creative writing, makes me wish I were a writer.

5. Playful Meanderings: A lovely blog about life, love, and books.

6. The Muddy Kitchen: This blog makes me wish I had an allotment, and the time and inclination to tend it, so I could cook with my own produce and be all wholesome and happy. Jealous doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel!

7. The Empty Pen: another great read; every single post on there is interesting and very well written.

The keen observers among you may have noticed that there are only 7 nominees instead of the 15 required. This is because I haven’t been around for very long and I am only following a few people at the moment.

So here it is!


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5 responses to “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Thanks so much for nominating me. Congrats on your nomination as well 🙂

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